We care greatly about providing wholesome and balanced meals.
The Summer Session is an energy intensive experience, and it is very important that individuals to have enough fuel to fully enjoy the experience. Please see below for a sample meal plan, information regarding alternative meal plans (e.g. allergies, specialized diets), and additional information for individuals who either have a suspected eating disorder or actively recovering from an eating disorder.
Here is a example of last year's meal plan.
A formal and balanced vegetarian meal plan complete with friendly protein options (i.e. tofu, beans etc) is available at no extra charge. You are able to sign up for it when you are completing your online student parchment and may change your mind up to two weeks before camp. If you sign up for it, you will be expected to use it the entire week.
If you change your mind after signing up for it, please contact Ash prior to 7/1. Otherwise, last minute signups are not available unless a previously signed up individual decides to switch.
Other Specialized Diets
In order to keep camp affordable to all participants, we are not able to provide other specialized meal plans unless it is for diagnosed allergies only. An allergy plan from a doctor may be required and should be provided at least one month in advance prior to arrival.
It is important for risk management reasons that your health history and proof of recent physical both reflect any allergies.
If any new allergies arise after you submit, please let us know as soon as possible and submit updated forms. This helps us keep costs down and helps prevent next year's overall camp tuition from spiking.
The Director and Head Medical Officer reserve the right to require an allergy plan from a doctor. Any allergy plan should be provided at least one month in advance.
We prioritize the safety and well-being of our campers and understand that our camp's active environment requires adequate nutrition. It's essential that campers receive enough calories from the meals we provide.
It’s important that campers are not engaging in harmful eating behaviors in the two months leading up to camp.
If there are concerns about a potential eating disorder, guardians will be asked to sign a release allowing us to communicate with the camper’s healthcare provider. Additionally, families must complete a suspected eating disorder action plan, have it signed by their physician at least one month before camp, and provide a non-refrigerated meal supplement.
Unfortunately, campers who are actively engaging in behaviors such as withholding food, purging, or similar actions that could jeopardize their safety will not be able to stay at camp. There will be no refund issued.
Thank you for your understanding as we work to keep all campers safe and healthy.